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Support that Makes a Difference

Strength-based practice is goal oriented. The central and most crucial element of any approach is the extent to which people themselves set goals that they would like to achieve in their lives. The primary focus of our work is not on problems nor deficits. The individual is supported to recognize the inherent resources they have at their disposal which can be used to counteract any difficulty or condition. 


These methods will be different for each of the strengths-based approaches. Each solution focuses on the clients and the coach will assist to help set goals before the identification of strengths. We aim to increase healing and hopefulness within the client. Furthermore, hope can be realized through strengthened relationships with people, communities, and culture. I collaborate with my clients, for they are the experts of their own lives and my role is to provide options that may encourage clients to make their own decisions and informed choices. 


We work together to determine an outcome that draws on the individual's strengths. We concentrate on the inherent strengths of my clients, their families, groups, and organizations, that will help them deploy personal strength to promote healing and empowerment. In essence, we focus on the whole personal health and well-being, to promote healing, positivity, growth focus on self-management of trauma, and working together to achieve better outcomes. Our goal is to identify and build upon the strengths and capacities of each client, so that they may problem solve and deliver their own solutions.

I am Certified in the Following Areas
Family Moments

I support the healing process for families who have a history of trauma, adversity, and toxic stress. I am devoted to helping families move forward and assist families to heal from trauma.

Family Trauma


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I support the healing process for those who struggle because of a history of trauma and adversity. I'm well equipped to assisting trauma survivors no matter where they may be in their healing journey.

Trauma Support


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Finishing Line

I support my clients to achieve their goals, whether business, personal, or career. We identify what's been holding them back and commit pursue lasting, positive change. I apply best practices and powerful tools and techniques to help my clients be successful, achieve their goals, and reach their dreams!

Master Life


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As a professional life coach, I assist my clients to identify their goals, develop an actionable plan to achieve them, and to get the most out of life. I help clients maximize their full potential and reach their desired results.

Professional Life


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Group Meditation

Life throws many surprises at us and while we cannot predict the outcome of any situation, we can take control of how we respond to certain situations. With my coaching sessions, you’ll learn about acceptance and how to exert your power of choice over whatever life may throw at you.

Health & Life


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Image by Matheus Ferrero

I work with my clients to peel off the layers of limiting beliefs, negative patterns, and old programming. Helping them find happiness in everyday life, no matter what obstacles they may be facing, by empowering them to unleash their happiness from within!

Happiness Life


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Empowering my clients to address some of the most common self-confidence concerns and giving them the tools they need to remove self-doubt and uncertainty from their thoughts. Through these strategies my clients develop unstoppable confidence and gain a new enthusiasm for life, motivated to take action, feel good about themselves, and work towards changes that will lead them towards their full potential.

Confidence Mindset


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Girl with Arms Stretched Out

I assist my clients to capitalize on their natural talents, put their skills to good use, find the gold nuggets within their unique, authentic self, get paid to do what interests them, live a life of passion and meaning, empower their beliefs about themselves and their future, and see how it all points to a greater purpose for their lives.

Life Purpose


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Love and Happiness

I supports individuals and couples to learn vital skills for relating, especially in marriages and romantic partnerships. I focus on understanding your story and problems, collaborating with you to come up with solutions that will work for you long-term and helping you master the skills needed to make your relationship(s) better.



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I empower my clients to stop self-sabotage, reprogram their mind, master emotions, and stop negative thinking. I assists my clients in gaining perspective about whatever is at the root of that person's difficulty. We work collaboratively to identify what might be stopping them from reaching his or her full potential and what action is needed to take charge of their situation.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Life Coach


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Woman Walking in the Field

There are many people who perceive addicts to being lazy with no self-control. While substance abuse and addictive behavior is a complex mental health issue, research has shown that addiction is often triggered by specific trauma, thus opening the door to new, more effective interventions. In layman’s terms, this suggests that addiction is often a coping mechanism for living with unresolved, underlying trauma. Drugs, alcohol, sexual addiction, overeating, and other destructive behaviors help numb overwhelming feelings of stress, depression, or actual threats of violence. I develop strategies to helps clients transcend their “addict identity” where they can become healthier and happier by addressing the underlying trauma that led to their addiction. Many may become sober, without remaining stuck or miserable in their addiction lifestyle.

Trauma & Addiction


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Memorial Candle

Grief is personal, and loss is truly universal. I help you to reconnect with your strengths, your coping strategies, and the relationships, activities, and inner resources that give your life meaning. I make no assumptions about what you feel, think, or want. Rather, I come to our sessions with an open mind and an ear deeply tuned to the one person who knows best how to get your life moving again: you. Together, we explore your feelings, your strengths, your untapped capabilities, and the thoughts that may be slowing your healing. In tandem, we help you identify them and take the steps that will restore momentum to your life.

Grief & Bereavement


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I work with my clients to identify, examine, and change the rigid and extreme beliefs that might be stopping them from reaching his or her full potential and consider what action is needed to take charge of their situation. I also assist my clients to examine the ways in which they have tried to help themselves that haven’t worked and encourage them to develop and practice more effective, longer-lasting strategies.

Rational Emotive Behavioral (REBT) Life Coach


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